Lieutenant Kenton Turner Honored with the Recreational Boating Safety Program’s Award of Excellence
Lieutenant Kenton Turner, NASBLA past Chair and Indiana Boating Law Administrator (BLA), was presented with the Recreational Boating Safety Program’s Award of Excellence by Captain Troy Glendye, Chief of the U.S. Coast Guard’s Office of Auxiliary and Boating Safety, at the 2023 State RBS Workshop in Lexington, Kentucky, on March 1, 2023. Lt. Turner was recognized for his outstanding contributions to NASBLA, spanning across multiple programs. During his six-year tenure on the NASBLA Executive Board, Lt. Turner served in every Board position.
Significant program accomplishments during his tenure as Chair included the drafting of an Incident Reporting Policy Letter by the Coast Guard, which clarified reporting requirements and provided the first update to this guidance in nearly 50 years. NASBLA's review of this policy letter was critical to its success.
Lt. Turner also facilitated the first update to the State Guide in over 20 years. The State Guide is a critical document that details the requirements states must meet to ensure the adequacy of their RBS programs. Along with the updates to the Guide, NASBLA created a new committee that will make certain the Guide undergoes frequent review by the Coast Guard and the states. Lastly, NASBLA was critical in the Coast Guard’s fielding of an Interim Final Rule (IFR) that corrected an unintentional preemption of the states’ ability to enforce violations of the inland navigation rules. NASBLA pushed for this update, which is essential to assure the safety of all boaters.
Lieutenant Turner is the fifth recipient of this award. The Award of Excellence is the higher of two program awards; the Partnering with Pride Award is given to a person who contributes to a single function of the RBS Program. Lieutenant Turner’s name will be added to a webpage that lists the previous recipients of this award on the site.