Here are some signs I came across some time back that I thought were pretty good.
Cody Jones
Boating Law Administrator
Asst. Commander Game Warden
Texas Parks & Wildlife Dept.
512-389-4624 Office
512-431-1326 cell
cody.jones@tpwd.texas.govTexas Game Wardens Serving Texans since 1895 - Law Enforcement off the Pavement
Original Message:
Sent: 06-04-2021 10:24 AM
From: Ron Sarver
Subject: Canoe launch site sign
This is a link to a Universal Signage Recommendation document that the NASBLA Paddlesports Committee developed in 2007. It might be helpful.
Ron Sarver
Chief, Knowledge & Learning Management Systems
National Association of State Boating Law Administrators
Original Message:
Sent: 06-04-2021 08:51 AM
From: Sigrid Pilgrim
Subject: Canoe launch site sign
Does anyone have an example of a simple visual limited text safety sign at a canoe launch site small lake no whitewater
Thank you
Sigrid pilgrim
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