NASBLA Roundtable

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  • 1.  Boat Insurance

    Posted 06-15-2023 10:16 AM

    Pennsylvania law doesn't mandate boat insurance for boaters. However, some marinas won't allow you to dock unless you provide proof of insurance. If you choose to finance your boat, you might be required to carry a specific amount of coverage until your loan is paid off.

    Shewanna Livingston
    Boating Safety Certification
    Shewanna Livingston

  • 2.  RE: Boat Insurance

    Posted 06-16-2023 08:13 AM

    Florida does not require insurance.  Most marinas and mooring fields in Florida do require liability and/or salvage insurance.


    You can also check out the NASBLA state law dashboard.  Not sure who keeps this up to date.


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