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NASBLA’s Paddlesports Committee Launches National Safety Recognition

  • 1.  NASBLA’s Paddlesports Committee Launches National Safety Recognition

    Posted 15 days ago
    National Paddlesports Committee Honor (NPCH)

    The National Association of State Boating Law Administrators (NASBLA) and its Paddlesports Committee recently announced the development of the National Paddlesports Committee Honor (NPCH), which recognizes organizations of all sizes for their commitment to promoting safe paddling practices.

    In today’s digital world, many accounts prioritize style over safety in their content, often unaware of the impact this can have on paddlers everywhere. Earning this recognition underscores your commitment to safety by upholding high standards in the content your organization shares online. By minimizing the promotion of unsafe actions, you help reduce risky behaviors and contribute to a safer paddling environment for all.

    If your organization adheres to safe paddling guidelines and meets the NPCH criteria, we want to hear from you! Apply today to join a select group making a meaningful difference in the paddlesports community. 

    Taylor Kirshe, Chief Operating Officer
    NASBLA | (859) 225-9487