Produced by the Water Sports Foundation under a grant from the Sport Fish Restoration and Boating Trust Fund, administered by the U.S. Coast Guard. Photo Credit: Water Sports Foundation #Children #Lifejackets #Photo #Print
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Produced by the Water Sports Foundation under a grant from the Sport Fish Restoration and Boating Trust Fund, administered by the U.S. Coast Guard. Photo Credit: Water Sports Foundation #Children #Lifejackets #Photo #Digital
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The importance of wearing a properly fitting life jacket when in, on and around the water is paramount, especially when it comes to our most precious cargo – our children. To help parents, teachers, lifeguards, camp leaders and anyone else who may find occasion to be near water with children,...
nr_New Safety Video_Right Life Jacket Fit for Kids.pdf
Boating safety is going international - join in on the North American effort to set a world record! On Saturday, May 17, boating safety educators and members of the boating public are hoping to beat last year’s world record of the most life jackets worn and inflatable life jackets inflated by 5...
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07-04-13 CRYSTAL LAKE, MI Perrinton man injured in boating accident on Crystal Lake An 18-y/o Perrinton man was pulled from Crystal Lake following a boating accident around noon Thur. (07-04). Montcalm Co. sheriff’s deputies said the man had fallen from his boat and was unconscious. ...
Information regarding potential risk of electrocution to swimmers around boats docked at marinas with electrical supply. Information also shows how to check the electrical hookup to ensure it is grounded properly. #Activities #Fatality #Contributingfactors #Boating Accident #drownings ...
USCG final report of 2012 boating statistics, including fatalities, casualties, and causes. #injuries #Contributingfactors #drownings #fatalities #Fishing #Alcohol #USCG #Kayak #Children #Youth #Technicalreport #Coldwaterimmersion #opinion survey #Analysis #Boating Accident ...
2012 Boating Statistics1.pdf
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