On March 28, 2012, the Coast Guard published a Final Rule in the Federal Register entitled “Changes to Standard Numbering System, Vessel Identification System and Boating Accident Report Database” (77 FR 18689). A portion of that rule revised 33 CFR 174, “State Numbering and Casualty Reporting...
The Coast Guard is amending its regulations related to numbering undocumented vessels and reporting boating accidents. These changes align and modernize terminology used in the Standard Numbering System (SNS), the Vessel Identification System, and accident reporting; require verification of...
The purpose of this letter is to provide guidance and clarification to all 56 states and territories on the intent Title 33 CFR Subchapter S (§§ 173 - 187), specifically 33 CFR § 174.16. On March 28, 2012, the Coast Guard published a Final Rule in the Federal Register entitled “Changes to...
Produced by the Water Sports Foundation under a grant from the Sport Fish Restoration and Boating Trust Fund, administered by the U.S. Coast Guard. Photo Credit: Water Sports Foundation #HIN #Registrationandtransfer #Photo #Print
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Produced by the Water Sports Foundation under a grant from the Sport Fish Restoration and Boating Trust Fund, administered by the U.S. Coast Guard. Photo Credit: Water Sports Foundation #HIN #Registrationandtransfer #Photo #Digital
Attached is the Spring 2019 Boating Safety Circular from the U.S. Coast Guard's Office of Auxiliary & Boating Safety. In this issue: •HINs for Racing Vessels •Recreational Boat Safe Loading and Flotation Regulations •Summary of MIBS 2019 Inspection Citations by Type •Capacity Label 101 ...
#HIN #Registrationandtransfer #VIRT
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Updated 2.28.19 #HIN #Registrationandtransfer #VIRT
What is a legacy HIN? A legacy HIN is any hull identification number associated with a given boat that is different from what is recorded on its current registration. A legacy HIN could be a HIN that was incorrectly assigned by the manufacturer; a HIN incorrectly entered on a prior...
#HIN #Numbering #VIRT #Numberingandtitling
1972 and Newer Incorrect HIN.pdf
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