Produced by the Water Sports Foundation under a grant from the Sport Fish Restoration and Boating Trust Fund, administered by the U.S. Coast Guard. Photo Credit: Water Sports Foundation #Paddlesports #Photo #Print
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The Water Sports Foundation through a U.S. Coast Guard nonprofit grant has developed a series of paddling safety videos that are available for use to promote paddling safety in America. Feel free to use these educational, yet entertaining, instructional videos to help promote paddling safety in...
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The presentation will share the past six years of experience using media to target boaters and the lessons learned from market specific research. We'll share best practices and show results from both the power/sail and human powered outreach projects. We'll also show states how to use national...
Water Sport Foundation Grant Report 2017.pptx
#SmallCraftAdvisory #Magazine #paddlesports XX #SCA #Paddlesports
#training #Accident #Boating Accident #Paddlesports #BoatingAccidents #Education
2008 Paddlesports Accident Training Module rev 80708.pdf
Paddlesports #SmallCraftAdvisory #SCA #Magazine #Paddlesports #Paddlesports
2004 Jul-Aug SCA.pdf
Created by Performance Video and Instruction, Inc. Seal awarded October 2013 #paddlesports XX #SealofSafeBoating #Paddlesports
USCG final report of 2012 boating statistics, including fatalities, casualties, and causes. #injuries #Contributingfactors #drownings #fatalities #Fishing #Alcohol #USCG #Kayak #Children #Youth #Technicalreport #Coldwaterimmersion #opinion survey #Analysis #Boating Accident ...
2012 Boating Statistics1.pdf
The mighy Mishka is the NM BEC mascot. Free use of the photo... #NewMexico #age over 10 years #Photo #paddlesports XX #Paddlesports
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